On 23.6.2020. The first public debate on the proposal of the Local Rural Development Strategy (hereinafter: LSRR) on the territory of Sremski Karlovci-Kovilj was organized in the premises of the Ecological Center “Radulovački” in Sremski Karlovci as part of the process of drafting the LSRR entrusted to the Rural Development Partnership “Sremski Karlovci-Kovilj” “(Hereinafter: Partnership K-2) by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management.
23 citizens from Sremski Karlovci and Kovilj took an active part in the first public debate. The chairman of the public debate was Rajko Marinkovic, the president of the K-2 Partnership.
After the introductory speech of the chairman, the presentation of Dejan Gluvačević, the coordinator, followed, during which the course of the entire realization of the process of making the LSRR was summarized. In the part of presentation of concrete results – development proposals of goals, measures and project proposals by sectoral areas that were obtained and summarized directly from the citizens in the participatory part of the process, the coordinator invited all 5 sectoral working groups to present and explain the final results of civic participation.
Representatives of sectoral working groups in 5 sectoral areas presented the results of the work from the implemented process, and after the presentation, within each sectoral area, a discussion followed in which the present citizens could make remarks and suggestions for correcting the content of certain proposed solutions. The principle of work was that where there would be disagreement about the proposed solutions, it would be rejected without further discussion, and the solutions on which the consensus of those present was reached would be adopted. There were no major disagreements during the work on the public debate, but a lively discussion ensued and the public debate resulted in a consensus reached on about 1 specific proposal to amend the proposed content of the future LSRR document:
1) In the sector area “Agriculture”, it is proposed to introduce the issue of improving the agricultural infrastructure in the part of the development of the Atar road network. There was no wider discussion about this proposal, because the proposal immediately received consensus and was accepted by those present. At the suggestion of the participants from Kovilj, it was accepted to include the following wording in the proposed content:
Improvement of Polish infrastructure Development of the Atar roads network Arrangement of Atar roads
The public hearing ended after 45 minutes of work.