In Sremski Karlovci on November 30, 2023. a session of the Partnership Assembly was held in the Ecological Center starting at 6 p.m. The meeting was attended by 17 participants (15 participants from Sremski Karlovac and 2 participants from Kovilji) out of 28 members. The meeting was chaired by the President of the Assembly, Radovan Mišić. The assembly considered and adopted the work report, financial report, work plan, financial plan, the K2 Partnership bodies were elected and new members were accepted.
It was established that after the approval of the LSRR by the Evaluation Commission, the planned and promised Public Calls of the Ministry, for the implementation of small projects, foreseen since the second half of 2020, did not take place, so we did not have the opportunity to implement the LSRR, which was done by citizens from our area which is our core business. The city of Novi Sad, whose local community Kovilj is a member of the Partnership, did not support us because, as they said, we are not included in their Strategy until 2024. The municipality of Sremski Karlovci issued two public calls for our Partnership K2 and it was an opportunity to realize two small projects, for which we are grateful. Individual activities from the report were presented to those present and photos from those events were shown on the big screen, it was also emphasized that we are one of the founders of the Network of Serbian Leagues and that we are very active in it.
Marko Ljubičić from the Movement of Vojvodina Highlanders, who organized the activities for the implementation of the “Karlovac Danube River Development”, described all the activities that were implemented and that led to the realization of the results and goals of the project. Images from the field are shown on the screen. At the entrance to the area, there is also a sign of Partnership K2, together with the signs of other partners, who worked on the development of the Karlovac Danube River.
Rajko Marinković informed the attendees that there is a possibility that the Ministry will make a proposal for a Rulebook related to LSRR, from Measure 5, because the priority is investment Measures 1, 3 and 7. If the Ministry does not do anything about Measure 5, they will have to return the funds, which is for us very bad. The work plan includes activities that are provided for in our statute. It is necessary to have a strategy for the new period and to work on the implementation of small projects. We planned to try to participate in the European programs Erasmus+ and CERV, for this reason we also need new members who have the operational capacity to lead and implement project activities, as well as to continue activities in the Network of LAGs of Serbia.
The president of the assembly reminded the attendees that with the invitation they received a table on which the bodies and members of the Partnership bodies were presented. He stated that there are no changes in this proposal, that in fact support should be given to all those who were elected, because without public invitations from the Ministry, there was no possibility for them to get involved in the work. As we hope for a better period, he suggested that they accept and support this list, which they received in the invitation and which was displayed on the big screen, which they were present and did.
The president of the assembly thanked the host, the Movement of Vojvodina Highlanders, and invited to the catering prepared by the host.
The assembly meeting ended at 19:20.