At the invitation of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management, a joint meeting was organized with the representatives of the partnerships on February 20th, 2020. at the Agricultural Club, 84 Bulevar kralja Aleksandra in Belgrade.
The introductory speech was given by Aleksandar Bogićević, Assistant Minister, Sector for Rural Development, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management, followed by Biljana Petrović, Director, Directorate for Agrarian Payments, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management.
This was followed by the signing of the Incentive Agreement between the Territorial Development Partnerships – LAGs (those who have not done so before) and the Directorate for Agrarian Payments.
Ljiljana Simić, Independent Advisor for Programming Measures for Local Initiatives, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management presented the Guide for Establishing Partnerships and Development of Local Rural Development Strategies and presentations of planned activities for 2020.
Boško Umetić, Assistant Director of the Directorate for Agrarian Payments, spoke about the implementation of the Rulebook.
On behalf of the Partnership for Rural Development/LAG K2, the meeting was attended by Radovan Mišić, President, Dejan Gluvačević, member and Rajko Marinković, member.
Catering was served at the end of the meeting.